Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rock the Vote PSA

In Elika's class we were shown a psa sponsored by the 'Rock the Vote' campaign. The PSA was short, to the point, and vague enough to leave the viewer thinking. I enjoyed watching the clip, mostly because the target audience was my age group. However, I wasn't the best candidate to watch the clip because I already think voting is essential in determining a person's rights as a citizen. We now are assigned to create our own PSA with the point of inspiring people to vote. Now, after viewing multiple examples my group and I dissected the key creative aspects and Incorporated those said aspects into our own ideas. Of course, since my group is so determined I believe we will express the main points of the assignment with ease and grace.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why vote?

A better question would be; why wouldn't you vote? The fact remains: If a United States citizen doesn't vote, their opinions and voice are silenced. We as individuals can make a difference in this Republic, and such power comes responsibility. The voter turn out for the last presidential election was sickening: Only 55.3 % ( of the entire population voted. That is extremely unsatisfactory. Where has the power of the people gone? Where has the motivation to make a difference gone? Why is it people just flat out don't care? If a Government becomes to powerful, your rights have become so restricted if you lift a finger in true defiance you can be labled a terrorist and shipped off to Guantanimo Bay. The Patriot and Military Acts that have passed did so because the population refused to rise against and force the worms back into the white house.

Of course there is always the excuse of ignorance, but whose fault is that? Yours. You don't care enough to research the different propositions and bills that are being passed weekly. You are the citizens who are being monipulated on an hourly bases. For a critique, you are diserving the opression politicians are force feeding you.